Monday, November 15, 2010

The Aberdares Kenya

Aberdare ranges named by adventurer and explore Joseph Thomson after Lord Aberdare in 1884, the then president of the Royal Geographical Society.  Aberdares gives you spectacular scenery, especially waterfalls, and is ideal for wilderness tracking with clear tumbling streams and beautiful vegetation.  The main waterfalls in the park include Guro, perhaps the most precipitous in Kenya, cascading some 300m downstream into some impenetrable ravine.  There is also the Karura Falls, which spectacularly falls into three awesome steps and the Chania Falls.  Both Guru and Karuru were portrayed in the Oscar-winning movie out of Africa, starring Meryl Streap and Robert Red Ford.
Karura falls

Wildlife?  Aberdare has an array of large mammals, including black rhinos and elephants.  Rhinos are rare to see but elephants are occasionally seen especially at the salt lakes near the lodges.  Other unique animals include the giant forest hog, the bongo and Sykes monkeys.  Prominent people associated with Aberdares include Winston Churchill who camped by Chania Falls on a safari in 1907, and the founder of scouts movement, Robert Baden Powel. Aberdare also houses the famous tree house, Treetops.  In 1952 Princess Elizabeth ascended to her bedroom a princess and descended the next morning as Queen. The hotel is still alive and is a landmark in the Aberdares The late freedom fighter; Dedan Kimathi also led his resistance against the colonialist from these ranges.  There are several self catering facilities like the fishing lodge, ideally located at the center of its moorland, and offering fantastic views privacy and real wilderness taste.  This and others can be booked through Kenya Wildlife Service.

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