Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The Makindu sikh temple has existed since 1926.  It is located on the Mombasa
Nairobi Highway
.  From the main road, the Sikh temple looks like a Hindu or Islam mosque.  It origins stem from the early 1900s when many Sikhs come to Kenya to build the railway from Mombasa to Port Florence (Kisumu).

The Makindu Gurdwara  is one of the most beautiful outside India and the envy of many outside Kenya.  Opened 24 hours a day, it offers accommodation for approximately 350 people in full capacity, but only for a maximum of two nights.  They also offer food and drinks and wastage is frowned upon.  The place is run by 10 priests and 50 local people who assist in cooking and cleaning.  Located 200kms from Nairobi the Gurdwara is supported by donations.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday are prayer days.  The 1430 page Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Bible is read throughout the three days in shifts by the priests.

Unlike most religious texts the Granth is exclusively poetic.  Anyone interested in attending the prayer sessions can as long as the person follows their rules.   Shoes are not allowed in the prayer room and everyone has to cover their heads with a scarf, which is available on request.  Sikhchism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind, social justice and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.

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