Thursday, November 4, 2010


The ambiance in Mombasa assaults your sense with one message.  Here things are different slow sultry, exotic.  The first rule is to move slowly.  If you do not the sweltering heat soon slows you down.  However, once you get to your hotel you quickly recover a sense of near normalcy.  Very few rooms are without overhead fans and many have air conditioning.

Put the real boon is the almost perpetual onshore breeze.  No matter has hot it gets, so long as you wear loose, light and comfortable clothing, the heat remains bearable.  So you have arrived.  What do you do?  You could just laze away by the sea with a good book, or engage in a whole range of water sports form angling to skiing.

Kenya is blessed with the finest coral reefs to be found anywhere in the world and the hotels and resorts to the north and south of Mombasa are well equipped to cater for everyone from the humble”goggler” to the experienced scuba diver.

The beach resort are so self contained that the visitors normally do not venture out.  It is advisable to visit the city centre, though, if for nothing else, to experience the slightly insolent, relaxed atmosphere compared to, say, Nairobi.  The coastal city represents laid – back elements lacking upcountry.  Mombasa’s Old Town, with its maze of lanes, mosques and cramped ancient houses sloping gently down to the once busy dhow harbor, gives a feel of the past.  It is well worth a visit!

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