Saturday, November 27, 2010


Some pleasures have no comparison,  No equal.  The Tsavo West National Park is one such place.  It has its own identity, a place of great contrasts.  You will see dome palms, expanses of rich ochre earth Savannah stretching to the distant horizon, vast plains, brush, and oases of acacia trees, scrub land, and lava basins and in the near distance the Chyulu range
Nestled within a surprisingly lush patch of emerald green acacia trees and centered on a clear spring fed pool is the Finch Hattons Safari camp. Named after the aristocrat who introduced royalty to the bush, Finch Hattons Tented Lodge is largely considered one of the classiest and most accomplished of Kenya's tented camps:  The camp lies amidst a woody, thorny acacia corpse blending in with the lava rock strewn surroundings.  The dining terrace overlooks grassy green grounds and a pool where hippos wallow by day and night.  Take a late afternoon game drive in one of the camps comfy land rovers.  On one of the river banks you will definitely see crocodiles laying basking.  Their unblinking cold reptilian eyes visibly assessing the possibility of a meal.  You will see small herds of antelope, zebra and gazelles.  Elephants drenched in the scarlet ochre dust toss over each other in an effort to keep cool in the searing sun.  Warthog families pass with their tails high in defense against the flies.
Terrace at Finch Hatton
In the early evening drive, for the summit known as poacher’s look out, where finch Hattons sets up wine and canopies sundowner for the guest.  The vast panorama of Tsavo is spread below, reaching as far as Mt. Kilimanjaro to the distance, the Mawenzi and Kibo peaks clearly visible.You will feel at loss having left behind, a rich enchantment, and modest but impeccable taste, the harmony of the nature that so deeply pleases the eye and frees the soul.

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